Regional Sales & Distribution Center
731 N Prior Ave.
Saint Paul, MN 55104
PH: 651.917.0939 – FX: 651.917.0111
Driving Directions
St. Paul Office
Warden of the Asylum
Michael T. Ramy, Jr.
aka, Ramy, Mick, Jr, etc.
P: 651-917-0939
F: 651-917-0111
Purchasing & Support / East Coast Pizza Snob
Michael Miller
aka, “the other Mike”
P: 651-917-0939
Customer Service Specialist with rapier wit
Yes, he is back baby! Terry Harrington aka, T-Bird
P: 651-917-0939
F: 651-910-0111
Account Manager/Field Representatives
Careful, former car salesman. Kidding, he’s great!
Ryan Danielson
P: 612-998-6739 – he’d much rather have a 715 number!
F: 651-917-0111
Eastern MN & Western WI and beyond
He’s like the Tasmanian Devil around here, mostly a good thing!
Pat “Big Pat” Regan
P: 612-414-0820
F: 651-917-0111
Western MN and beyond
Warehouse Manager/ NDSU grad, son of “other Mike”
David Miller
P: 651-917-0939
F: 651-917-0111
Bean Counter (AP/AR Guy and proud Notre Dame’r)
Michael Chalmers
P: 507-387-4091
F: 507-387-7033
In Memoriam
Jimmy Trenter, our dear friend R.I.P.
Corporate Office & Warehouse
1329 N Riverfront Drive
Mankato, MN 56001
PH: 507.387.4091 – FX: 507.387.7033
Driving Directions
Mankato Office
Inside Sales and Support /
Bourbon Aficionado
Bryce Beckman
P: 507-387-4091
F: 507-387-7033
Customer Service / Production Manager / New Dad
Ethan Erickson
P: 507-387-4091
F: 507-387-7033
Account Manager / Field Representative
Barnwood Reclaimer / SciFi Movie Fan
Joel Chambers
P: 507-382-2225
F: 507-387-7033
Southern MN and Beyond
Logistics Specialists /Do’er of what he wants
Tim Wessel
P: 507-387-4091
F: 507-387-7033
Professional Turf Specialist / At Large / Catfish King
Sam Bauer
P: 612-205-4428
CEO / Chief of Everything Officer
He is really retired just paying respects…
Michael T. Ramy